Wells Harbor & Webhannet River - Wells, ME

My family often vacations in Wells, Maine, so of course I had to go exploring. Wells Harbor is actually a very popular place for kayaking, probably because kayaks can even be rented on site and it's vacation land. However it is my experience that most of these renters are not getting the best experience they can. My first time there I trusted my gut and my GPS and paddled past all the rentals. I can't honestly say that puttering around in the harbor does anything for me. Little too open, too busy and the water can get choppy fast. If your willing to put in the effort, keep going into the harbor (which is actually the Webhannet River) and pass under the bridge. Once you limbo under the bridge, it can get tight if you go out at high tide, you quickly enter a labyrinth of tidal marsh. I say labyrinth,  but if you pay attention to the main current path of the river it's hard to go wrong.

This is another great location to gust gently glide about so you can take in the sun, the sound of the ocean breeze blowing through the tall grass and an array of small birds fluttering about. You're fairly close to housing and the population of the area, but it seems to go surprisingly unnoticed. I think it all falls into the oceanfront feel of the area and I appreciate it for what it is. If you pay attention to the tide cycles it can make for a really mellow paddle. I try to time it such that I'm mostly done paddling up river just as high tide peaks. This way it virtually pushes you up river and then when it starts to recedes the current brings you right back. This is another location where you need to be very aware of the weather. If the wind picks up, keeping any kind of a straight heading while navigating the bay will exhaust you quickly.

Distance is about 1.3 mile to get to the bridge and out of the large open water.  Staying on the main current path of the river past the bridge you can get about 1.5 miles in. But you can burn a lot of distance checking out all the little offshoots.

Put in is at the local boat ramp. Easy access and plenty of parking. You unload right at the boat ramp an just have to move your vehicle across the road to the parking area. Public restrooms on sight.

Dates visited: 08/27/10 & 07/24/13
Put in: N43 19.204 W70 33.879
Motor Boats: Yes
Scenery:  Harbor: 3 Bisons / River: 4 Bisons
Serenity:  Harbor: 3 Bisons / River: 4 Bisons
Length: Long track on map 5.4 mi (1.3 to bridge)

Rating:  4 Bisons

1 comment:

  1. Headed to Wells soon - may have to check this out! Great info!
